Saturday, May 11, 2024

DEAR CHRISTINE: Uneasy after threesome


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Dear Christine,

For five or six years I was very lonely. It was all work and no play for me. Then I did something which I know you would have advised me to do: I joined a cultural group which goes around throughout my country and even abroad entertaining others.

I got friendly with one couple in the group and it was as if I became a part of their marriage.

That bothered me and sometimes I would try to back out of invitations. Once I said I thought they would get sick of me if I wore out my welcome each time they invited me out.

They laughed and said if they ever needed to be alone for any reason, they would tell me and expect me to understand.

So, we kept on. One day, we got so stoned that we all had sex together.

The next day I felt terribly guilty, afraid and revolted. I wish I could just drop out of their lives but then I would have to drop out of the cultural group, too, and return to my former solitary life. My life has been so much nicer since I quit staying alone in a room.

What can I possibly do at this stage?

– E.K.

 Dear E.K.,

I see two possible ways out of this for you. One is, do not give up this group because of this couple. Just continue with this new-found way to pass your time.

However, when this couple invites you to their place beg off with any legitimate reason
– especially if they invite you in the presence of someone else; which they are likely to do if they are smart and already know how best to play their game.

If you are alone with them, say you had the experience, but you do not want to ever do something like that again. This is one approach.

Another approach is to drop out of that cultural group and find another one, or another kind of group, where you may find more single people like yourself. You had the initiative to join that group, so use it now to find another.

In addition, please heed this warning: go to the telephone right away and make an appointment to see your medical practitioner or gynaecologist about being tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

When you have been involved in group sex like that, you have risked exposure to all their other partners.
A couple like that has nearly always done something of the same sort before. Why think yourself different or first?



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