Tuesday, May 7, 2024

HEALING HERBS: Sugar cane a healing plant


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Sugar cane contains aphrodisiac properties, thus is effective for stimulating sexual desire. – globalfoodbook.com

IT WAS ALMOST 12 O’CLOCK when I heard a rumbling in my head. I decided to pay attention because the noise was familiar. It was that voice which informs me about the need for increased spiritual growth.

Why do I need to grow, I asked myself? Why is the voice becoming more distinct? Lo and behold, I was approached by a very hostile individual last week about a very toxic situation and I allowed the spirit to run free.

When you are faced with persons who are silently hostile, who pretend they are totally innocent and who forget that they inflicted wounds which are deep, you have to find time to heal. Healing involves retreating and allowing the spirit to take over.

Do you have a situation which is hurting you? Are you working or living with a very toxic individual? If you are experiencing any of the above, your spirit is teaching you a very powerful lesson. Indeed, transformation is occurring in your life. Just ask spirit to take over and wait to see the power of spirit working in a magical way. My situation is healing.

One of the silent doctors that can assist with this type of healing is sugar cane. So when you see me standing near a cane field, I am not stealing or waiting to have an erotic session. I am actually feeling the healing vibes. 

The webpage www.healthbenefitstimes.com has revealed that “sugar cane is abundant with phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium as well as potassium. It is undoubtedly an alkalising material, and for that reason is advantageous at combating cancer. Research indicates that it [is] highly effective at combating prostate as well as breast cancer cells”.

Further research shows that sugar cane can treat dysuria, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, stomach inflammation and kidney stone patients. Moreover, on www.ayurhelp.com/articles/ayurveda-health-benefits-sugar-cane referring to Ayurveda medicine, sugar cane juice mixed with lemon and ginger juice helps in the easy flow of urine and strengthens the stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain and sex organs. 

Sugar cane is excellent for treating jaundice. Singh et al. (2015) reported that sugar cane juice is used in the Unani system of medicine for treating jaundice. In addition, Abbas et al., (2014) found that “various varieties of sugar cane exhibited good antioxidant properties against DNA damage induced by hydroxyl radical generated in Fenton reaction”.

Sugar cane can also treat cataracts and assist those who want to gain weight.

In conclusion, perhaps we as a sugar cane-producing nation should further explore the numerous other benefits of King Sugar Cane. 

Annette Maynard-Watson, a teacher and herbal educator, may be contacted via silentdoctors@gmail.com or by telephone 250-6450.

DISCLAIMER: It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific claims for any products. Any attempts to diagnose or treat real illness should come under the direction of your health care provider.


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